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In the Heights

In 2007 I planned on taking my son to his first New York City Puerto Rican Parade. A friend (D. Small) shared that there was an off Broadway show I needed to check out. I remember thinking—how wonderful to create an entire weekend of memories for my then eleven-year-old. I checked in with the family—me, my mom, my son, uncle and a few aunts ordered our tickets and were ready to experience something we had not seen before. It would be the first time that any of us would see a cast in our image. There is something so special about seeing and connecting with the characters. I know we say representation is important—but I imagine if you’ve always seen yourself represented, it could be difficult to understand how the opposite feels. That’s what made seeing In the Heights turned into a movie so special for me. Plus- I am a HUGE Lin Manuel-Miranda fan, but that will be another blog.

Like the stage play the movie In the Heights shares the dreams and fears of many. A majority of the community made up of Latinos living in Washington Heights a neighborhood in New York City. They endure a blackout, death, love, threat of deportation and the feeling of not being enough. The synergy between the characters is palpable. When Usnavi (sounds like US Navy with an accent) shares how he got his name with his younger cousin—it feels like you are sitting in the same bodega with them. The details in the corner store that match so many others I saw growing up. Yellow cans of Café Bustelo stacked behind the counter and bags of those yummy Rosita cookies.

The dance scenes are the best that I have ever experienced in a musical. It included local dancers and choreographer Eddie Torres Jr.—the son of The Eddie Torres who transformed Latin dance years ago. There is a part in the movie where Nina played by Leslie Grace sings about coming home with news that will disappoint her family including her father. The song Breathe gets me every time, even before I lost my father. I think of Adams Street and all the pressure we place on ourselves. I cried because I related to this feeling so much. Now—it reminds me of the bond between my father and I and how grateful I am to have a community that will push me to be better while being proud at each juncture. With age, experience and wisdom it is really about trying to live each day in purpose- who can be disappointed in that?!

I hope you give it a shot and watch the movie—It is sure to lift your spirits and make you walk away feeling like all things are possible.



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